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Frequent User Conditions

Tuesday, 28 February 2017 05:01

Discounted Tariffs are only applicable to users who have pre-registered at the office. The discounted tariff steps as promulgated by WCG are detailed in applicable category tariff. Refer also to Government Gazette for CPD Toll Tariffs. All Frequent user cards registered are issued against the account holder.

No discounted rates are applicable for commercial use, like tour operators, including mini-buses and buses or businesses.

Payment Method

Frequent User Card issued by the Operator / Concessionaire

Payment for opening the account can be done with Cash, cheque or Point of Sale.

A deposit of R50 must be paid on application and remain as balance on the account.

Initial card (First Issue) will be free of charge any additional cards added to the account will be charged at a rate of R25.

A positive balance of greater than R50.00 (fifty) must be maintained on the account throughout the month to cover the toll at the applicable tariff to be charged.

Sufficient funds for one full trip must remain in the account to benefit from the total passage chosen on the scale e.g. = R42.00 + (8) = R50.00.

Top-up payments (cash only) can be made in the toll lanes to maintain a positive balance.

Top-up payments (Point of Sale) can be made in the office during office hours.

All tariffs include 14% VAT and paid per direction, single entry

Frequent User Cards are issued per category of vehicles and cannot be alternated between category 1 and category 2. Nominal tariff will be charged in the event of incorrect category being used on the account.

MasterCard or Visa card issued by a South African Registered Bank only.

An ISO Bank Credit Card is registered in the system as a Frequent User Card and will be accepted for payment in the lanes.

The Account Holder’s Bank Credit Card will be debited weekly for the period’s discounted usage. NB Please keep in mind that the CARD is the frequent user by category registered. Inform Entilini Operations of any changes to the card, e.g. new credit card and vehicle type (category) so that we can process/link the card to the discount structure.

Replacement Cards

In the event of cards being lost, stolen and self-damaged, a fee of R25 will be charged per replacement card.

It is the responsibility that the card holder to ensure that your frequent user card is renewed before it expires.

Discount Calculation

Discount is applied monthly on the calendar month’s usage at the applicable rate for the number of uses in the month.

Immediately after midnight on the 1st of every month the number of trips is reset to zero for discount calculation purposes.

The Credit Balance on the account is carried forward into the following month.

Statements / Tax Invoices

Frequent User Account statements / tax invoices, detailing the monthly usage and charges will only be made available on request. Note: The receipt issued in the lane is not a tax invoice, but a transaction summary only. The rate displayed on the receipt is at the nominal rate. The lane system only updates the transaction, at the discounted rate, and the balance of the account every 30 minutes, after communication with the central system. Real time account balances can be provided by the Supervisor or enquire at the office.

Conditions of Wild Card User Cards

The Wild Card issued by the South African National Parks and Cape Nature Conservation cannot be used for payment. The tariff applicable to Wild Card holders is only due after registration as a Frequent User and operates through the Frequent User card issued by the Operator / Concessionaire or a South African ISO bank card (MasterCard or Visa) when presented for payment at the toll plaza.

Wild Card Tariffs are only applicable to persons in possession of valid “Wild Cards” as distributed by South African National Parks and Cape Nature Conservation and who have registered with the Concessionaire. The discounted tariff increments are detailed for the applicable category tariff. Wild card usage is for non-commercial use only.

A positive balance of greater than R50.00 (fifty) must be maintained on the account

throughout the month to cover the toll at the applicable tariff to be charged.

Proof of Purchase of Wild Card must be presented when applying for a discount. Proof of any additional members applicable to the Wild Card group who wishes to benefit from the discount, must be submitted along with the application. The Wild Card discount is applicable for Category 2 vehicles only.

Expired Wild Cards on due date will automatically terminate. Should the User fail to submit the renewed Wild Card Letter, the account will be updated to a normal Frequent User: The account will continue receiving the nominal tariff only.

Chapman’s Peak Drive Toll Plaza Office Hours:

The Toll Plaza is open Monday - Friday from 08h00 - 16h30 for registration as a Frequent User.
Address: Toll Plaza, Chapman’s Peak Drive, Hout Bay, Cape Town
Plaza Tel: 021 791 8220