Chapman's Peak Drive - an essential Service during South Africa lockdown for Covid-19
On Monday 23 March, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that a nationwide lockdown would be implemented in South Africa to combat the spread of the coronavirus. The lockdown started on Thursday 26 March and has been issued until Thursday 16 April. (with an extension to the end of April 2020). During this period, all South Africans are encouraged to stay at home and only leave if they need food, medication or their social grants.
Chapman’s Peak Drive - No Jogging, No Dog Walking
Chapman’s Peak Drive supports the National effort to stop the spread of Covid-19 and asks everyone to adhere to these restrictions. We normally love to welcome visitors, right now we are asking you to stay home, whilst the restrictions are in place. We are looking forward to welcoming you back when restrictions are lifted.
Dog lovers in South Africa have been ordered not to take their beloved pets for a walk for three weeks. The new coronavirus crackdown also bans jogging. Please stay home - we know how much you miss your runs on Chappies, and we know that Fido is begging to leave the house for his daily walk. Please stay home.
Chapman’s Peak Drive - Essential Service
The provisions of section 27 (2) of the Disaster Management Act include the regulation of the movement of people or goods in or out of the disaster-stricken area. The provisions also include that “other steps that may be necessary to prevent an escalation of the disaster or to alleviate, contain and minimise the effects of the disaster”, can be taken.
All businesses will be closed and staff are expected to stay at home except for health workers, emergency personnel, security services, police, medical personnel, soldiers and traffic officers. The distribution of basic goods, maintenance of power, water and telecommunication services will remain in operation.
Chapman’s Peak Drive is Open
Chapman’s Peak Drive has been declared an essential service (please refer to Govt Gazette on 30 March 2020) so we are operating as (un)usual. Please note that we are open with reduced capacity to maintain the social distance requirements. Chapman's Peak is also deemed essential as an easy gateway in the event of an emergency.
Chapman’s Peak Day Passes Suspended
Chappies Day Pass has been suspended during the lockdown period.
Stay Home. Stay Safe
The staff and management of Chapman's Peak Drive wishes all our customers well during this unusual situation. Take care of yourselves and each other. We will see you soon. Our breathtaking views from Chapman's Peak Drive are not going anywhere either. Those expansive views will be so welcome when restrictions are lifted. We will appreciate every shade of blue hues, the endless horizon, the waves, the clouds and the birds. See you on the otherside. Stay home. Stay Safe.